The Latest

I graduated from the Tech901 Code 1.0 class this fall, and it was a fantastic process that directly resulted in a new career. They have been crucial in providing the continued support and resources I've needed to grow. I'll always be a supporter of this school and organization, I highly recommend checking out their classes if you're interested in computers or coding, or if you want to support a group of educators in doing an amazing job.

Right now I'm approaching the end of a four month software development internship with ServiceMaster, and I've had a great time. The people I've met along the way have been very supportive, and I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had to develop my abilities in such a creative environment. I've completely immersed myself in projects 24/7, both for the business and for personal interest, and I'm amazed by how far my skills have come. The projects that I've been able to work on far surpass what I thought I was capable of.
